- アーティスト: Jimmy Page
- 出版社/メーカー: Universal I.S.
- 発売日: 1996/03/19
- メディア: CD
- この商品を含むブログ (13件) を見る
ねちっこいチョーキングを絡めたブルース "Prison Blues"、など、ペイジはこれがやりたかったのか、と思わせる曲が多い。
最後の曲の、クリス・ファーロウが歌う "Blues Anthem" がいい。
Key E の簡単なフォーク曲だが、この歌詞に重みがある。
Blues Anthem (Page/Farlow)
If I cannot be so happy without you my dear,
If I cannot hold you close evr'y second that you're here,
You must know I can't go on.
Ev'ry time I sing my song.
If I cannot have your love I'll sing the blues.
Every time I'm feeling low and far away.
All the time I think of you, every second of the day.
And you know you hurt my pride,
Bud I'd rather be by your side.
If I cannot have your love I'll sing the blues.
Sing the blues all my life. I got trouble I got strife.
How can a man expect to be so free.
To travel this so lonely road and to carry this heavy load,
Is becoming far too much, too much for me.
If I cannot be so happy then I'm gonna be on my way.
The many nights I needed your love it never worked out that way.
For I must have my babe,
For I'm feeling extremely sad.
If I cannot have your love I'm gonna play the blues.
Sing the blues all my life. I got trouble I got strife.
How can a man expect to be so free.
To travel this so lonely road and to carry this heavy load,
Is becoming far too much, too much for me.
Yes I'd rather have your love than singing then blues.
Yes I'd rather have your love baby than sing the blues.
Zeppelin 時代、ブルース・ペンタトニックにあれだけこだわったジミー・ペイジ。
- アーティスト: オジー・オズボーン
- 出版社/メーカー: ソニー・ミュージックジャパンインターナショナル
- 発売日: 2002/06/19
- メディア: CD
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 38回
- この商品を含むブログ (34件) を見る